Preview - Ideal Gas Laws - Connected Chemistry 2019

Putting the pieces together: developing an ideal gas equation

What we did in this unit was to re-develop three main gas theories using computational models and quantitative data analysis.

We defined the relationship between number of particles and pressure as:

  • Qualitatively: As number of particles increases, pressure increases linearly (given that temperature and container volume are constant)
  • Quantitatively: \((P)ressure = m_1 \times (N)umber \) , where \(m_1\) is a constant coefficient.

We defined the relationship between gas temperature and pressure as:

  • Qualitatively: As gas temperature increases, pressure increases linearly (given that number of particles and container volume are constant)
  • Quantitatively: \(P= m_2 \times (T)emperature \) , where \(m_2\) is a constant coefficient.

And, we defined the relationship between container volume and pressure as:

  • Qualitatively: As gas temperature increases, pressure increases linearly (given that number of particles and container volume are constant)
  • Quantitatively: \({P} = {m_3 \over (V)olume}\) , where \(m_3\) is a constant coefficient.


Our methodology and findings were analogous to three scientific discoveries made between 17th and 19th centuries:



However, as both the warning on the air duster can and the ballon-on-fire experiment showed, often times, we may not be able to explain gas-pressure related phenomena through just one variable. We need be combine our three theories and come up with one ideal gas theory. Let's try to do that!

Referenced Questions

These questions were answered in the previous steps. They are provided here for your reference.

What does the phrase "pressurized container" mean? Explain using the concepts from previous lessons (e.g., particles, volume, number of particles). (min. 2 sentences)


Please answer the questions below.

Can we put together our three findings in one coherent theory? Let's go ahead and give it a try!

First, write your combined theory verbally. Try to do it with just 1 coherent sentence.

Note: If you are having difficulty, you can write more than one sentence. It is perfectly fine.

How about one mathematical equation that combines our three equations? Let's give it a try!

Alternative: If you are having difficulty in combining the equations, do not worry much. Either write the best equation you could come up with or write why you find this task particularly difficult.


These notes will appear on every page in this lesson so feel free to put anything here you'd like to keep track of.